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Cloudian Data Protection Solutions
Break the price-performance barrier with an on-prem backup target

Backup Challenges

  • Backup jobs exceeding window
  • Difficult to meet RTO/RPO objectives
  • High cost of backup appliances
  • Offsite backup or DR adds significant cost and/or logistical issues

Cloudian Solutions

  • Hybrid cloud backup and archive
  • Secondary backup target

Object Storage Backup Target for Data Protection

Fast, disk-based storage accelerates your RPO/RTO

When building data protection solutions, your typical choices for a backup target are costly purpose-built appliances, or maintenance-intensive tape libraries.  Cloudian breaks the price-performance barrier with a disk-based backup target that is fast, simple, and cost-effective.

Compatible with all popular backup solutions, Cloudian provides fast, reliable, on-premises storage for backup and archive data. The platform starts small and scales to an exabyte without disruption or downtime, so you can buy what you need now and grow. You get an easy-to-use scale out solution at 70% less cost than purpose-built appliances and 30% less cost than tape.


Faster, more reliable backup using the backup solution you have now

Cloudian scale-out storage simplifies and accelerates your data backup and recovery processes. Cloudian is local disk-based storage, with the option for cloud integration. This combination helps you meet your backup window and RTO/RPO objectives, while enabling an offsite data recovery strategy that dovetails seamlessly into your daily backup workflow. All at 70% less cost than other diskbased solutions.

Cloudian acts as an on-premises, disk-based backup target that is compatible with your existing Veritas, Veeam, Commvault, HYCU, IBM, and Rubrik solutions. High streaming bandwidth and parallel processes ensure predictable backup success.

Policy-based migration tools let you migrate older data to the public cloud (Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and other S3-compatible services). This minimizes on-site disk costs while ensuring that a DR copy is maintained offsite.

Cloudian provides a simple, drop-in replacement for existing backup target technologies or as a complementary offsite DR target.

The Data Protection Challenge

Data protection remains a challenge for IT. Today’s backup targets — tape, disk, and cloud — all have limitations that hinder your ability to meet your objectives.

  • Tape: Low-cost media, but concerns include reliability, long-term durability, and management workload.
  • Disk: A fast and effective solution, but becomes costly as capacities grow.
  • Cloud: Low-cost, but often has access bandwidth issues that can limit ability to meet SLAs.

Resulting issues include excessive backup times — especially when backups fail — and the challenge of meeting RTO and RPO SLAs.

Cloudian Solutions

Hybrid Cloud Backup and Archive

Cloudian combines a petabyte-scalable, high-performance on-premises backup target, seamless cloud storage integration, and full interoperability with the most popular backup solutions. Together, this hybrid cloud implementation lets you retain a familiar workflow while ensuring success on the objectives that matter to you: backup window predictability, and repeatable RTO / RPO.

Cloudian is a scale-out storage cluster comprised of sharednothing storage nodes. Communication with the cluster is via the Amazon S3 API, the same API used in Amazon and Google cloud storage services. Media servers connect to the on-prem Cloudian cluster via Ethernet and view the cluster as cloud storage.

With full cloud-compatibility, Cloudian is viewed by your backup software exactly as it views Amazon, Azure, or Google cloud storage. Backups complete quickly due to fast local access, and recovery is similarly fast. Older snapshots can be moved to the cloud via policy-based migration, which both frees up local capacity, and also provides an offsite copy for DR use.

Secondary Backup Target

If you prefer to maintain your existing primary target, Cloudian can still provide substantial savings by acting as a secondary backup target for disaster recovery.

Compared with cloud-based DR targets, this approach provides the benefit of secure, offsite storage for data that cannot go to the cloud, For this information — whether restricted by data governance, privacy, or compliance policies — Cloudian provides secondary storage at costs that approach archival cloud storage.

Compared with dedicated backup appliances, Cloudian saves by substantially reducing hardware costs and by eliminating costly data replication licenses.

Meet Your SLAs With High-Speed Access

Access data instantly with Cloudian’s disk-based storage, and achieve high-speed backup and restore with parallel data transfer (18TB per hour writes with 16 nodes). Meet your backup window and RPO/RTO objectives.

Works with Your Software

Cloudian S3-compatible on-premises storage is supported and certified with most popular backup solutions. Proven in enterprise data centers worldwide, deployments today include Rubrik, Commvault, Veritas, and Veeam.

Solution Advantages:

Performance to handle the largest environments

Cloudian scales to petabytes with a scaling model that grows in both capacity and bandwidth. Predictable backup windows result from Cloudian’s streaming bandwidth. Data write bandwidth in excess of 5,000MB/s (or 18TB per hour) can be achieved.


You can start small with just three nodes, and scale to petabytes simply by adding nodes. Scaling is seamless and does not require downtime.

70% less cost than conventional disk

Built on industry-standard hardware, Cloudian drives down the cost of on-prem, disk-based storage to ½¢/GB/month or less, including support.

Drop-in integration

Cloudian can be immediately integrated with backup software packages that support cloud storage, including Veritas NetBackup, Veritas Backup Exec, Commvault Simpana, Veeam, IBM Spectrum Protect, HYCU, and Rubrik. Install tools that support S3 storage also support Cloudian. If information is migrated by Cloudian to cloud storage for DR purposes, Cloudian transparently retrieves that data when needed and presents it to the media server.

Manage one data pool

Cloudian maintains data in a single pool across all nodes. Nodes can be in a single data center or distributed across multiple data centers, enhancing data durability. No need to juggle what’s “active” or “passive,” create complex policies and snapshot management techniques, or track which sites are replicating to where.

Distributed architecture for global data protection

Enterprises struggle to manage backup at remote offices. With Cloudian, clustered nodes can be deployed globally and interconnected, thus allowing data to be automatically replicated across sites. Because the nodes form a single namespace, you can implement policy-based data migration to the cloud for DR purposes. You get global data protection with fast local recovery, all managed from a single location.

Deploy as appliances, or on your own servers

Cloudian is built on industry-standard hardware. You have the flexibility to buy either pre-configured, fully supported appliances, or software for installation on the servers you choose. Either way, you benefit from the value of commodity hardware.

Target deduplication

If target deduplication is desired, Cloudian offers optional software which can achieve backup data reduction ratios of 30:1 or more. The deduplication software runs on industry-standard servers. For archive or DR applications, the solution can be co-located with the backup servers, thus minimizing the traffic over the remote link.

Deployment Options:

On-premises Backup Target

On-premises Backup Target

Backup data to an on-prem Cloudian storage cluster for fast RPO/RTO. Your data remains with your data center, behind your firewall. For DR purposes, you can also replicate the data to a second Cloudian cluster at a remote site using the integrated data management tools. There is no additional software to license or manage.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud

In a hybrid cloud configuration, you can backup data to a local Cloudian cluster, then use integrated tools to replicate that data to the cloud for DR purposes. This combines the immediate access of local storage with the off-site convenience of cloud. You get fast RPO/RTO without the cost and risk of relying on WAN connectivity for restore.

Protect your Microsoft Office 365 Suite with Veeam and Cloudian

Ensure business continuity with complete on-prem protection of Office 365 data

Cloudian HyperStore provides a scalable, cost-effective backup target for VBO v4. Veeam’s native support for the S3 API ensures seamless integration with Cloudian.

Adding Cloudian Object Storage to Your Veeam Backup for Office 365

This video shows how to create repositories in Veeam Backup for Office 365 and connect them to a secure on-prem Cloudian HyperStore target for complete Office365 suite protection.

Rubrik Data Protection:

Accelerate Data Protection with Fast, S3-Compatible On-Prem Storage

Rubrik protects your data. Cloudian is the ideal backup target for Rubrik. Cloudian disk-based storage provides an on-prem target for your backup data to accelerate RTO and RPO. Restoring a large data set from the cloud could take days. With Cloudian’s fast data access, it’s done in minutes.

If an offsite copy is required for DR, use Cloudian’s policy-based replication to AWS, Google, and Microsoft clouds. Cloudian connects directly to all three, with no middleware or additional software.

Cloudian is a simple, scalable, and cost-effective target for Rubik backup. At less cost than cloud, and with greater performance, Cloudian completes your Rubrik solution.

The Challenge

Managing data growth outside of the primary storage repository has become increasingly complex due to fast-growing storage capacity and legacy architecture. Data centers are strapped with outdated hardware and software solutions. The need for an affordable and effective approach to data protection has never been greater.

Next-Gen Data Protection

Rubrik eliminates the complexity of legacy enterprise backup and disaster recovery. It collapses backup software, catalog management, replication, and deduplicated storage into a single appliance that scales linearly. Deduplication and other data services scale in-line with the cluster to maximize efficiency and savings. It delivers near-zero recovery times without rehydration to primary systems and global file search for instant data access.

Cloudian serves as an on-premises backup, replication, and archival target for Rubrik backup processes. If you wish to move data offsite, policy-based tiering to the public cloud provides a simple disaster recovery option.

Cloudian for Rubrik Capacity Expansion

Cloudian HyperStore is scale-out storage that provides cost-effective capacity expansion for the Rubrik system. Available as an appliance or as software, Cloudian HyperStore is fully compatible with the cloud connector offered by Rubrik.

Simple Integration

Rubrik allows IT to easily automate backup, replication, and archive to Cloudian HyperStore by using its policy-based engine. No additional software installation or plugins are needed to connect Rubrik with Cloudian. Rubrik sends deduplicated data to Cloudian, reducing storage costs. With Cloudian, enterprises can also leverage cloud storage as an additional resource tier or as a secondary off-site location for disaster recovery.

Customizable Data Protection Levels

By combining Rubrik with Cloudian HyperStore storage policies, users can store data in geographically separated regions or data centers. HyperStore also provides the capability of assigning different storage policies on a per bucket basis. For data protection, data can be stored using either replication or erasure coding. Replication results in greater performance, but less storage capacity. Erasure code provides the most cost-effective way to store data because the data is stored in smaller chunks across the cluster. Cloudian HyperStore supports multiple compression algorithms that compress objects on the storage side to save space.

Cloudian Hyperstore Solution and Benefits

Cloudian HyperStore is a fully S3 API compliant, multi-tenant, multi-data center hybrid cloud storage system. You can deploy HyperStore as software to be implemented atop your existing storage infrastructure, or as a fully integrated rack-ready appliance. Both deployment options deliver multi-data center storage with unlimited scale, optional data tiering to any S3 cloud, and support for all S3 ecosystem applications. HyperStore is designed for simplicity and durability for easy day-to-day operations.


Download the Cloudian Data Protection Solutions Brief (.PDF)