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Cloudian Public Cloud Storage
Cloud Storage in Your Data Center with Object Storage

A single, limitlessly scalable storage pool

A single, limitlessly scalable storage pool

Public cloud storage provides simplicity and scalability. But what about the data that cannot go to the cloud?

Most organizations have some data that needs to be maintained on-site for performance or data governance reasons. For that data, Cloudian provides a simple private cloud storage solution: A hybrid cloud with S3 object storage in your data center.

Cloud Storage Solutions



Private Cloud Storage

Private Cloud Storage

Google Hybrid Cloud

Google Hybrid Cloud

Amazon Hybrid Cloud

Amazon Hybrid Cloud

Everything you love about the public cloud, on-premises

Cloudian private cloud storage in your data center is the on-premises equivalent of the public cloud. It uses the same APIs, offers the same limitless scalability, and is just as easy to use. A hybrid cloud lets you manage both public and private storage pools as one. Automated tiering lets you store information to Cloudian, then use policies to determine what data is migrated to the cloud and what remains on site. Migrate data based on file type, frequency of access, file size, or other parameters you choose.

You remain in control and manage both the on-premises and private cloud storage as a single, limitlessly scalable storage pool. To enhance data accessibility, Cloudian maintains a copy of all metadata on-premises, so you can search all data in an instant and retrieve only the information you need.

And because Cloudian is a 100% native S3 API, it is fully interoperable with your S3-enabled applications. In fact, we guarantee it.

Cloud Migration Reversed: Migrating Off the Cloud

Get enterprise file sharing and collaboration while ensuring GDPR compliance. Cloudian and Storage Made Easy (SME) combine an on-premises data repository, data governance policies, and a cloud-like user experience, so your users can be more productive while you maintain control.

Cloud Migration Reversed: Migrating Off the Cloud